There is some great SHOPPING locally  what with very large local markets and excellent shopping centres
The local markets sell everything from fresh fruit and vegtables, to clothing, designer wears, leather, gadgets, toys and freshly cooked chicken (POLLO ASADO)


Locally in San Pedro there is the “DOS MARES” shopping Centre
This consist of a CARREFORE Hypermarket, and upstairs there are several independent clothing shops and a food court 
There is a regular bus service from Lo Pagan to it
DOS MARES  Reviews on Trip advisor

Adjaent to DOS MARES  is PINATAR PARK which an alternative arrange of various shops .. mainly home furnishings
PINATAR PARK   Reviews on Google

The ZENIA BOULAVARD Shopping centre   nearby  in  LA ZENIA  is world class 
See Trip Advisor for reviews.  Excellent array of top quality shops
List of Shops

ZENIA BOULAVARD Reviews on Trip advisor